Take a Day…

So I have to be honest…I’ve written this 3x, make that the fourth time…Here it goes…again,

Agents have alot on their plates in this market, at least around where I live. One thing that we (Realtor’s) have to remember, we are all in the same boat so to speak. We all have those clients that are great to work with, those that can’t decide if they like anything they’ve seen and everyone in between. Not to mention family life, anything extra we try to do, keeping in touch with our sphere, and we haven’t even mentioned any work around the house or personal time.

We need to remember to be kind to one another first and foremost, deal with the fact that your offer may not be accepted because they want too many things or the price just isn’t high enough. to win Don’t take your frustration and anger out on the listing agent because it may be the fourth, fifth, six offer or more that you have written in less than a week. We have all been through it, going through it or will be going through it in the very near future. Take a breath and remember we are all trying to work together here; not against each other.

Am I guilty of being frustrated with another agent…Absolutely! We all have pet peeves, mine is responding in a timely manner. There’s nothing more frustrating that a Realtor or agent who won’t return phone calls, emails or texts at all! Come to think of it, there’s a agent that I’m still waiting on a call back from back in 2020…

Bottom line is that if you’re burnt out as a Realtor, take a day, reset yourself and come back to work ready to treat others the way you would want to be treated. Set work hours and stick to them, we get hung up in the feast or fathom mentality and it ends up wearing us out to the point of not knowing how hurtful, ugly, vulgar or just plain nasty we are to fellow Realtor’s….


It’s not a bubble


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